Today is the official day!
HTC Hero (Sprint)
This phone was originally released outside of America. Now Sprint has it and it i projected to be as a dominate phone as the Iphone. Here are some specs of the phone from hardware to software. This is Sprints first android OS phone and it was released just this week.
cyanogenmod - on htc magic - donut 1.6
The Software update for android phones (mytouch 3g, G1, HTC Hero). The new installment has added GUI (Graphical user Interface), Icons, and Features which should inmprove the all around performance of the phone(s) completely.
Signed: T.C.
First KFC now My Touch 3G, oprahs discount continues..
BlackBerry Storm 9550 with WiFi!
Blackberry storm 2 aka 9550 has wifi and is a great addition to the storm .
Signed: T.C.
BlackBerry Tour 9630 Review -- Hands On
I have recieved alot of questions about the Blackberry tour like: what does it look like? What are some new features? etc. ?
So i have found this video for everyone that was inquiring about either purchasing the blackbberry tour or for just comparing reasons.
Signed: T.C.
Chris Brown Finally Does A Public Apology
This is the public apology of Chris Brown for alledgly beating singer/ex-girlfriend rihanna. Aired last night on various networks.
Signed: T.C.
Blackberry Onyx with trackpad

Following the release of the blackberry curve 8520 with the track pad the Blackberry Onyx has now been spotted with a trackpad also this means good news for upcoming blackberry devices. "extnae" on the trackball and bring in the trackpads, i am anticipating the blackberry's with the trackpads greatly.
Signed: T.C.
HTC G2 aka magic walkthrough (hardware follow up)
Google/Android has added alot more to the OS, the software is impressive indefinitely. Given the fact the phone is fully touch screen in comparison to its predecessor the G1. Google/HTC have made up for it and its very well presented. There were alot of complaints about the poor hardware design of the G1, the should be less if not null and void for this beautiful piece of hardware.
Signed: T.C.
Blackberry 8520 coming to Tmobile next month(July 09)

The BlackBerry Curve 8520 will be dropping on T-Mobile next month but while the blackberry Tour followers are occupied with a flurry hype behind the phone. With a optical trackpad as one of the most facinating inovations since the touchscreen button on the blackberry storm. But as of latley T-mobile has been getting there hands on some good buys such as the G1 now the only new released blackberry with a track pad to date.
Signed: T.C.
G2 aka mytouch unboxing
This video was made 6/22/09. The my touch 3g for tmobile unboxing is what i wanted to reveal to everyone before the features some poeple are visual and this is for them.
Signed: T.C.
iPhone 3G S Ad
iphone 3gs releases tomorrow 6/19/09 wonder what the line is going to look like. There was also promotion of people to obtain the new phone early.
Signed: T.C.

Apple due to release Snow leopard OS later this year:
General requirements
Intel Core 2 DueMac computer with an Intel processor
1GB of memory
5GB of free disk space
DVD drive for installation
Some features require a compatible Internet service provider; fees may apply.
Some features require Apple’s MobileMe service; fees and terms apply.
Time Machine
requires an additional hard drive or Time Capsule (sold separately).
Photo Booth
requires an iSight camera (built in or external), USB video class (UVC) camera, or FireWire DV camcorder. Backdrop effects when using a DV camcorder require fixed focus, exposure, and white balance.
Boot Camp
requires Windows XP with Service Pack 2 or Windows Vista (sold separately).
Screen sharing
in iChat and the Finder requires a 128-Kbps Internet connection (300 Kbps recommended).
DVD Player
requires a 1.6GHz processor or faster for improved deinterlacing.
Audio chats require a microphone and a 56-Kbps Internet connection.
Video chats require an iSight camera (built in or external), USB video class (UVC) camera, or FireWire DV camcorder; and a 128-Kbps upstream and downstream Internet connection.
Backdrop effects when using a DV camcorder require fixed focus, exposure, and white balance.
Some iChat features offer better performance and quality with higher system capabilities. More details
Exchange Support
requires Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1 Update Rollup 4. Auto-setup requires enabling the Autodiscovery feature of Microsoft Exchange Server.
QuickTime X movie capture
requires iSight camera (built-in or external), USB video class (UVC) camera, or FireWire DV camcorder.
QuickTime H.264 hardware acceleration
requires a Mac with a NVIDIA 9400M graphics processor.
Developer tools
require 1GB of memory and an additional 3GB of available disk space.
NVIDIA Geforce 8600M GT, GeForce 8800 GT, GeForce 8800 GTS, Geforce 9400M, GeForce 9600M GT, GeForce GT 120, GeForce GT 130.
ATI Radeon 4850, Radeon 4870
64-bit support
requires a Mac with a 64-bit processor.
Grand Central Dispatch
requires a Mac with a multicore processor.
Windows 7 due to release this year '09
* Faster, more responsive performance: Nobody likes to wait, so we designed the operating system to start up, shut down, resume from standby, and respond faster.
* •
* Streaming media in your home: Windows 7 makes it easy to use your PC to stream music, videos, or photos to your home audio-video system and other networked media devices.
* •
* Improved taskbar and full-screen previews: Pin any program to the taskbar so it’s always just a click away. Rearrange the icons on the taskbar just by clicking and dragging.
* •
* Desktop enhancements: Windows 7 simplifies how you work with the windows on your desktop. For example, Snaps lets you easily compare two open windows side-by-side.
* •
* Reduce interruptions: When Windows 7 needs your attention, you'll see an Action Center icon and can find out more by clicking it. Or wait and read it later when you have time.
* •
* HomeGroup: This great new feature is set up automatically when you add the first PC running Windows 7 to your home network. Store digital photos on a computer in one room and access them in another.
* •
* Jump Lists: Access recently used files with just two clicks. Right-click the relevant program icon (such as Word) on your taskbar and Jump List will show your most recent, frequently used, and pinned Word documents.
* •
* Windows Search: Windows 7 makes search results more relevant and easier to understand. It also uses libraries to show all content of a particular type, like photos, in one spot.
System requirements
* Processor
* 1GHz or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor
* Memory
* 1GB RAM (32-bit) / 2GB RAM (64-bit)
* Hard disk
* 16GB available disk space (32-bit) / 20 GB (64-bit)
* Video card
* DirectX® 9 graphics processor with WDDM 1.0 or later driver
Signed: T.C.
Spectacular From Pretty Ricky Cartoon Comedy Parody
This is the cartoon parody to the Spectacular Dance video. It is hilarious. I laughed hysterically.
Signed: T.C.
24hr ago a memeber of Pretty Ricky Spectacular has made a video issuing a grind-off(similar to stripper dancing, remind you he is a male). But the worse part of the video was the fact that he had on underwear or spandex on so which could be percieved as gay or homosexual. I could not force myself to post the real video so i post a reaction from youtuber "Funk". you be the judge. I first found the fact that the video was created from
Signed: T.C.
Drake gives Rhianna a shout out during performance??
If you dont know by now, there is supposedly a rumor that drake is with or is "taking" to Rhianna. This video kind of backs the rumor pretty well because after drake's performance of "every girl" he give rhianna shout out. So i will let you guys be the judge, has chris brown lost his girl to the next big thing "Drizzy" Drake?
Signed: T.C.
Trey Songz - I Need A Girl (HQ Music Video)
This is a very good song and inspiring come back for trey songz, good job.
Signed: T.C.
Charles Hamilton Gets Punched
Charles Hamilton gets in to this heated Conversation/Freestyle against his suggested assitant and in the midst of it he gets punched in the face because of what he says i would think, you guys be the judge.
Signed: T.C.
Sherlock Holmes Trailer
Signed: T.C.
Terry Kennedy's new Supra Release
Signed: T.C.

Maestro Knows - Episode 9 (Terry Kennedy) from Maestro Knows on Vimeo.
Signed: T.C.
Blackberry Storm 2
Signed: T.C.

This is going to be a powerful movie and very dramatic by the way, the trailer is just a powerful and the cast seems like it is going to be good. Oprah Winfrey and Tyler Perry are behind the movie, enough said. The move is based on a book Named Push.
Signed: T.C.
Courtesy to PausePolice
Shout out to
Signed: T.C.
Blackberry Storm Rotation Wizard

Courtesy of BlackberryCool
This will help a lot of Storm users but the only problem is ,Storm Rotation Wizard costs $2.99 but you can lock the Storm’s display in portrait or landscape, or you can choose to leave it on auto-rotate which are the default setting. This is the my recommendation for Storm users and it is cheap also
Signed: T.C.
Blackberry Curve 8520 Gemini Trackpad Demo
Jazmine Sullivan Cotton Commercial
There are a lot of times where the race-card is subliminal but to see Jazmine Sulivan singing the theme song and advertising cotton seems like a lot. But yes are people have made it past this but i don't know if its still ok, you be the judge?
X-Men Origins: Wolverine Trailer
I went to see X-Men Origins: Wolverine this movie was good but it didnt meet up to my expectations. They didnt focus on certain characters enough that were impactful but it was good. And the after credit preview, wasnt worth waiting for but the fight scenes were awesome which was a plus. A few aspects of Wolverine's past were fabricated or hypened for action purposes. Omega red was not present and some mutants seemed to be added just for movie purposes. I want to hear more opionions on it, it was good but could have been better.
Signed: T.C.
Samsung Instinct s30 (Sprint) Hands-On
A Smaller version of the original Instinct but not to be compared to the palm treo to palm centro comparison. Its technically the same instinct just a little more compact, the added some things to the UI(User Interface), fixed the previous bugs witht he first instinct, and changed the design of the phone.
Signed: T.C.
Ryan Leslie as a teenager to now
Ryan Leslie does it again and he is back in the studio, and this him in production/creation for "Just Right". You be the judge but it is very well put together.
I dont know how i found this but this is Ryan Leslie as a teenager...
Signed: T.C.
HTC Magic Android phone - Live hands-on

This is the "Magic" Created by HTC, also known as the G2 or Sapphire by some sites and blogs. The reason i could see that i would be call the "G2" is because it's Design is similar and it has the OS Android Built in to it, But there are some features that differ from the G1: There is not a sliding keyboard, Fully Touch Screen, New Vertical buttons. This phone will be released for Vodafone and not any other companies like T-mobile(The most likely), At&t, etc. But to see all the features view the video below.
THE NEW COMPLEX MAGAZINE...Kanye West bares the Cover...
Happy Valentines Day, This is What i am listening to Today.
Hands-on: Palm Pre
I would put a descripton of the phone but its a 25 minute long video.... so just watch..
Signed: T.C.
Kid Cudi Louis Vuitton party performance x LV x Stephen Sprouse x Kid Cudi from ferris bueller on Vimeo.
Via Kanye Univercity
Signed: T.C.
BlackBerry 8900 Coming to T-Mobile Feb. 09
Really excited abotut the release of the blackberry 8900. That will be a well deserved upgrade from my 8800 and i am really aniticipating standing in line for the phone being that T-Mobile didnt get the release of the Blackberry Bold, its a satisfactory upgrade.
Signed: T.C.
Signed: T.C.
Steve Harvey Talks about Katt Williams with Frankie Darcell
This is before the Championship battle against Katt Williams....
Signed: T.C.
Katt Williams vs Steve Harvey new Years eve
Plainly put Katt Williams was challenged by Steve Harvey to a Joke off, there is no beef or hard feelings supposedly between these two but it is in the name of comedy...
Weird enough
Jay-Z (Brooklyn We go hard Video), produced by Kanye West:
Signed: T.C.